On-the-ground insight: icuee 2019
This years’ show featured over 1,000 exhibitors and 30 acres of new products, equipment, and tools. In this…
On-the-ground insight: pack expo 2019
Several key trends emerged at the show, as well as significant changes, that are driving the packaging industry…
Vehicle telematics and electrification in india
Mobility behavior is beginning to shift in India and around the globe. With its large population clusters, a…
Will bio-sourced materials change the way we insulate buildings?
Ecologically conscious architects and construction firms are increasingly choosing bio-based materials over conventional alternatives, both for individual homes…
Duckerfrontier in sae international’s ‘automotive engineering’
Steel and aluminum will continue to compete for market share in the next decade, but mixed materials are…
On-the-ground insight: aia conference on architecture 2019
The building and construction industry is currently undergoing rapid change. Some of these changes include the shortage of…
On-the-ground insight: transport logistic exhibition
“We saw strong growth from China, where the number of exhibitors almost doubled by 30 new ones to…
Event recap: global automotive lightweighting summit 2019
Global Trends Global regulations are the largest driver for demand in lightweighting. We see three areas where regulations…
Duckerfrontier and real deals discuss transaction advisory trends
In the interview, our team discussed trends they are seeing in their practices across the globe and how…
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