Promoting Sustainable Products
- 26% of exterior remodeling contractors are promoting and discussing more sustainable options for their projects and products – this is a more recent increase in the last 8-12 months.
Cost Outweighing Sustainability
- Only 16% of homeowners are showing a desire for green materials and practices. Research shows they will engage more when options and comparisons are brought to them. Cost and availability are a top concern.
Energy Efficiency Benefits Preferred
- 61% of homeowners and contractors equate the benefits of a sustainable product to its level of energy efficiency. The re-use and recycling of tear-off materials comes in second as most valuable.
Recycling Hurdles
- 85% of contractors said they’d be willing to source from a manufacturer with a recycling program. The biggest problems contractors find with recycling is the lack of recycling centers available, the distance they would need to travel, the cost, and the sorting and removal of pollutants such as nails and hazardous applications.
Lack of Availability Creating a Gap in the Market
- Less than 50% of respondents believe manufacturers have the right programs in place for the future. One of the biggest gaps in the market is the availability, codes and incentives for recycling building materials. The construction trade groups and waste industry need to align and work together.
Ducker’s Building and Construction teams are at the forefront of key trends impacting the industry. Our goal is to help clients deliver growth solutions to support critical decisions and growth strategies. How can we help you deliver better outcomes for your business? Contact us to connect with a team member.